Sunday, July 22, 2018

Birthday Edition!

Well, I don't have much to say this week. Another week full of change and adventure and stress and maybe particularly surprising, no bikes. I still haven't got my bike completely together after crashing last weekend, that will be a project for tomorrow.

I've lost most interest in traveling to race the rest of this year. I'll probably spend some time learning my skills a bit better at Martin on Monday's, as I begin to think about next season and starting the year fresh and fast, hopefully to be able to move into Category 3 rather early next season, hopefully by May.

This winter I'm considering buying a new frame and building it up with all the components that I hand-choose to be a racing machine next Spring. I'm moving towards a lighter bike so I can be a bit more of an all-around threat. I feel like that is where I need to be moving towards, instead of just hoping for a sprint-finish, I want to be the one pushing the pace and causing the pain during races. I want to work on being very quick, I also need to lose like 10 pounds by next Spring, something I think is doable, as long as I can stay away from the Oreo's.

I'm ever hopeful for next year, it's been a very exciting year and learning how to race and what to do and not to do, I'm hoping that knowledge will carry over into many future races.

Cheers! CE

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