Sunday, May 6, 2018

Kalamazoo Half Marathon

I think I should say this up front- I'm not a runner and I don't want to be. The Kalamazoo Marathon was this morning and I ran the half for the second time, the first time since 2011, and I can't feel my knees. I started out too fast probably, in true Charlie fashion, as I stuck with the 3:30 marathon group until we got downtown and then they went away.

Running through Red Arrow golf course, the 1:45 half marathon group caught me and I was with that group until we got into Parchment, then they popped me off the back and the rest of the race I was just chasing people until I couldn't match their pace. I had a couple cups of Oberon going up the big hill next to Kindelburger park, the best decision I made all day!

The stretch of neighborhood into Spring Valley Park was the toughest and slowest, my knees ache with the constant pounding of running on pavement for 1 hour and 50 minutes. Here's to hoping I can recover from that and get back on the bike tomorrow and racing in Martin at the speedway. I finished ahead of all the people I wanted to finish ahead of that I knew, pretty pumped about that. My goal was to finish in under 1:41, and I got dangerously close. From all the thoughts of walking I felt during the run, I'm very proud that I finished the entire 13 miles without giving up, perhaps this proves how mentally tough I am getting
Hoping I never have to run again, at least for the foreseeable future, I'm fast on the bike and I'd like to keep it that way.

4/14 Eagle Creek Crit, Indianapolis, IN 12th Cat 4/5 (29)
4/22 Notre Dame Crit, South Bend, IN 12th Cat 4/5 (29)
4/29 Ann Arbor Spring Training Series 22nd Cat 4/5 (40)
5/6 Kalamazoo Half Marathon 13th (27) AG (M 19-24) / 249th (1392) Overall
5/7 131 Racing Series, Martin, MI 1st "B race" (9)
6/3 Cobb Park Crit, Kankakee, IL
6/9 BTR Crit, Kalamazoo, MI
6/10 Race for Wishes, Lawton, MI
6/15 Zeeland Crit, Zeeland, MI
7/15 Corktown Crit, Detroit, MI

I ran this week instead of riding, and I didn't particularly enjoy it but I am impressed with the level of fitness I've maintained. I did ride once this week on the Thursday night ride, and man was I fast. The fast ride was just myself and two other people, and I did most of the pace-setting. We decided we wanted to go up 6th street, my first big climb this year, and it was tough! I held onto Tory's wheel like my life depended on it, and I stuck on, super pumped about that. For not riding all week, I felt very strong and I hope I can chase that feeling.

I'm racing in Martin tomorrow night for the first 131 racing series race, and I'm super stoked about that! I think this series will give me a good insight as to how to race, and provide invaluable experience so my race results will improve!

I'm heading down to TN on Thursday to visit some friends and a little high altitude training, super pumped up about that too.

I think for now I'm going to try and recover tonight and be ready for tomorrow night!

Cheers! CE

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